Now that we’re in the full swing of April, religions around the world are getting ready to (or currently) celebrate their respective holidays! In the Muslim faith, Ramadan occurs during April and is a holy month of fasting, worship, and reflection. Christians are preparing for Good Friday and Easter which celebrate the death and rebirth of Jesus Christ. Last but not least, Jews are getting ready for Passover to celebrate the Exodus of the Israelites from slavery.

When marketing this month, it’s important to remember these holidays to respect your customers and personalize messages when possible! Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when marketing holidays, whether they be in April or later:

1. Think philanthropically

Religious observations tend to act as a time of reflection for members of the communities, a time to give back to others, and garner spaces of appreciation for all that’s around them. Because of this, customers may stray from their typical purchasing habits to focus more clearly on their religion.

To keep yourself fresh in their minds, consider giving back to churches, synagogues, mosques, or other organized religious institutions. Try setting up a Facebook Fundraiser with proceeds going to support new equipment or running a donation drive to provide food to members in need.

Creating this philanthropic image will give your brand a positive impression in consumers minds while making you feel good about yourself, too!

2. Acknowledge the holiday

This may seem straightforward, and it is! Mark dates in your calendar when these holidays occur to keep it on your radar. Prepare content celebrating, or recognizing, the holiday is happening, this can be done at the beginning of each month to ensure you’ll have them! Ensure that you’re authentic to your brand with realistic wording, if the acknowledgement isn’t genuine, you can turn off customers. A celebration from your company is a small, yet meaningful, way to make your customer base feel welcomed with your brand.

3. Use lifestyle marketing

Products or services your company offers may be useful to customers during holidays, so use that to your advantage. If your product could be seen in a traditional centerpiece, your service could be used in celebration, or anything in-between, use lifestyle marketing techniques to engage with your audience! For example, IKEA UAE created this video showcasing their Ramadan collection in Ramadan celebrations:

Show what your company offers being used in these scenarios to not only bring awareness to your brand, but to celebrate the holiday too!

4. Do your research 

Holidays are incredibly important periods of time to those observing, so make sure the holiday-related content you’re providing is sensitive to the event. For example, Good Friday is a day of sadness and mourning to Christians. When creating content for this, make sure to use words and phrases sensitive to the feelings of your audience, and in the case of Good Friday, it is not appropriate to say ‘Happy Good Friday’. However, a few days later on Easter Sunday, it is a joyous occasion, so people say ‘Happy Easter’ or ‘He is risen!’. Because of this drastic difference, it’s important to do your research on how holidays are celebrated.

Work with Agency 102 

Marketing your brand is especially important during holidays to help you connect with your audience on a personal level. While it may be tough to navigate the ins and outs of religious observations in your marketing strategy, the reward is immense! 

Let Agency 102 take the stress of integrating upcoming holidays into your brand and contact us today.