Email Marketing Services Agency in Maryland

Reach Your Customers’ Inboxes with Email Marketing Services by Agency 102

Agency 102 is a content marketing agency with full service email marketing capabilities to help businesses reach and engage their customers.

99% of people check their email every day, looking for shipping updates on their latest online order and discount codes from their favorite retailers. In fact, it’s one of the first things many people do when they wake up in the morning, even before visiting social media. The morning ritual often plays out like this: check email, click through stories on Instagram and check the latest headlines on Apple News.

However, there’s a crucial difference between email and other content marketing channels like social media and video. Whereas other forms of content marketing appeal primarily to new sales prospects, email helps you drive conversions. Ultimately, no digital marketing strategy is complete without email, but many business owners are skeptical. Like social media, SEO and video, you need to put in the work to get the results you want from email marketing. 

Our guide to email marketing will illustrate why an engaged subscriber list is critical to your success and what you can do to improve conversions.  


Is email marketing dead?

Social media and video have dominated digital marketing conversations in the past few years, and there’s no sign that they’re slowing down. The rise of social media and video has left many wondering, is email marketing dead? No. In fact, quite the opposite. Here are all the benefits of email marketing that you won’t get from other forms of content marketing.

Email marketing has high ROI.

Email marketing is cost-effective and delivers a strong return on investment thanks to its high ROI, generating an average of $36 in profit for every $1 you spend (HubSpot). In fact, email marketing drives more direct sales than social media, video, and all other forms of digital marketing.

The reason? Social media marketing and video are most likely to reach customers at early stages in their purchase journey – often before they’re ready to buy. Subscribing to your email list is a sign your prospect has done their research, and now they’re ready to buy. All you need to do is make an offer that seals the deal.

Segmentation allows you to reach your target audience.

Consumers demand personalized experiences, and marketers reap the rewards when they customize the purchase journey. According to a report by Salesforce, 97% of marketers report positive outcomes after implementing personalized marketing.  

Unlike social media, email marketing allows you to break down your audience into unique segments. That way, you can reach prospects at critical stages in the buyer’s journey and deliver content personalized to their unique needs. In fact, segmentation is one of email’s biggest marketing benefits. Open rates on segmented email campaigns are 100.95% higher on average than non-segmented campaigns. Ultimately, email allows marketers to create campaigns that are relevant, timely and more effective.

Craft better marketing messages with AB testing.

Another characteristic unique to email marketing is AB testing. AB testing allows you to measure campaign performance, so you can improve the effectiveness of your marketing messages. In addition to creating unique audience segments, you can deliver campaigns with different email subject lines or other factors to determine what performs the best. As a result, you’re better able to experiment with different messages, times, and dates to optimize your marketing.

Maintain access to your audience.

Unlike social media, SEO and video marketing, email isn’t beholden to ever-changing algorithms. On social media, algorithm updates can reduce the visibility of your posts, and you may not realize it until your engagement starts to drop. With email, your messages are delivered straight to your audience’s inbox. 

Similarly, email is less likely to be impacted by trends. These days, TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms, but a new platform could soon come along to take its place. When that happens, you’ll once again have to start from scratch. With email, you have greater influence over the success of your campaigns.

Boost business outcomes in other areas of content marketing.

Email is an essential component of your digital marketing strategy. While social media marketing is effective at driving brand awareness and building trust in your brand, email marketing is a direct driver of sales. In other words, email and social media marketing work best when they’re used in tandem. Explore our work to see how we’ve leveraged social media marketing to improve engagement for our clients.

How Agency 102 can help you create a successful email marketing campaign

Clearly, email marketing is far from dead. Email is reliable, customizable and well-liked by consumers. However, effective email marketing can be tricky. That’s where we come in. But what do we do to help you reap the benefits of email marketing? 

  1. We help you build a subscriber list. We’ll work with you to promote your subscriber list to people organically, on social media and through sign-up forms in prominent places on your website. Plus, incentives always help. We’ll help you identify what promotions you can offer to entice subscribers like free consultations, insider information about your industry or discounts. 
  2. We tailor your content to the audience. We take the time to get to know you and your target audience. This helps us understand what kind of content they’ll connect with and how we can motivate them to progress in their customer journey. For example, need to reach out to a new subscriber? We’ll help you craft a welcome campaign complete with an introductory email and content they’ll find valuable. Or do you need to touch base with an existing client you haven’t heard from in a while? We’ll help get them re-engaged with your brand by analyzing their past customer journey, so you can make an offer that grabs their attention. 
  3. We optimize your email campaigns. We stay informed about the latest email design trends, so you don’t have to. Our email marketing experts don’t just craft excellent content, we also ensure your emails are eye-catching and mobile-friendly. Plus, we leverage all the tools available to you to ensure we’re getting the best open rates and click-through rates possible.
  4. We leverage automation to reach your audience at crucial moments. Through analyzing your audience, we’re able to identify critical moments in the buyer’s journey. Using automation, we can create personalized email campaigns to bring your prospects closer to conversion.  


Our email marketing services

Email marketing audit

We’ll review your current email marketing practices including the kind of content you create, how often you send emails and what technologies you use. Our goal is to uncover what’s gaps and suggest ways to improve. During our audit, we take a look at your analytics to determine what’s working in your current strategy. Then, we’ll present our expert recommendations to get the most out of your email campaigns.

Email automation

We use automation to align your email campaigns with the buyer’s journey. To get results, we analyze your target audience to identify customer personas. This allows us to segment your audience, so we can deliver the most effective content possible. We then set up triggers to send emails when it matters most. The result is increased engagement and conversion rates.

Email newsletters

Many small businesses send out newsletters to keep clients informed about their newest products and services, but many struggle to drive results with these campaigns. We’ll help keep you focused, delivering content that builds credibility in your brand, showcases your newest offers and drives conversions. See how we’ve helped our client 20/20 Onsite develop a monthly email newsletter to nurture new leads.

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